Google Local Services Ads v/s Google PPC Ads?

If you are seekin solutions to grow your business, Google Local Services Ads and Google PPC Ads offer a great opportunity to generate quality leads. But is it difficult to decide, which one is right for your business?

There is no definite answer to decide which is better, because as per your business essentials, answer can change. After reading this article, you will have a clear understanding of the pros and cons of each advertising platform. And most importantly, youe will be able to decide which is better marketing investment for your business, i.e., Google Local Service Ads or Google PPC Ads.

Google Local Services Ads and PPC Ads Overview

Google Local Services Ads help you connect with targeted audience who are searching on Google for acquiring your services and solutions. So, when Google shows th results for the audience’s query, your Google Local ad will appear the top result for your local customers. Your Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) only shows your business name and rating to customers.

Google PPC ads also help you connect with people searching on Google for your services and solutions. These ads will appear at the top result but, below the Google Local Service Ads. With Google PPC ads, you have the opportunity to create a short description of your company and services.

Benefits of Google Local Services Ads

Low competition

Local Service ads appear at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs), above regular PPC ads, organic search results, and more. Also, only see 3 ads at a time can be seen, so owning one of them can reduce competition. Which is very important in today’s highly competitive digital world

Ease of Use

With a busy schedule, it’s hard to find the time it takes to maximize your results. Google makes Local Services Ads user-friendly and keeps things simple. There are still things to check, but compared to Google PPC ads that require constant attention to maximize performance and reduce wasted ad spend, it requires less maintenance once set up.

A cost-effective strategy

LSA has the advantage of being pay-per-lead (PPL) rather than pay-per-click (PPC), so if a customer contacts you as a direct result of your advertising, will be charged only. So instead of paying for clicks, you pay for actual quality leads.

Because of this, the cost per acquisition (CPA) can be lower than his PPC campaigns. Moreover, it is cheaper to advertise locally than to run a broad campaign targeting people outside the local area. This makes LSA a cost-effective way to reach your target audience.

Drawbacks of Google Local Services Ads

Automated Process 

The process is so automated that you set it up and let it do its own thing. Fewer opportunities to optimize your ads. For example, optimizing your ads with keywords can be difficult and lead quality can suffer.

Customers don’t trust advertising

It’s a sad fact that many state-owned enterprises have huge advertising budgets and therefore constantly run advertisements on the Internet. This means that customers become distrustful of advertising over time.

This could increase the distrust of advertising as customers see ads sponsored by state-owned companies that do not operate in their area.

Ranking Factors

For ranking in the top three listed companies, ranking factors are highly dependent on reviews and location. If you have fewer reviews than the majority of your competitors, you may not be generating enough leads to meet your goals simply because they are outdated. If people are looking for your service all over town, your business may not show up because your competitors are closer to where they are looking.

Benefits of Google PPC ads


We are all interested in maximizing return on ad spend (ROAS). And PPC advertising can be an effective platform to achieve this.

Unlike traditional print advertising, PPC lets you set up campaigns so you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. In addition to renting digital real estate, you can tie your advertising costs directly to the number of visitors to your website.

But this tangible connection between the amount you spend and the potential leads you generate makes PPC an attractive option for many digital marketers.

Easy Setup

To attract organic search traffic, you need to invest in creating optimized content and improving your website’s technical performance. PPC advertising, on the other hand, is quick and easy to set up.

Admittedly, it still takes a bit of a learning curve to understand how each platform works and what gives the best results. , it’s much easier to get started with PPC.

For businesses looking to build a digital presence and expand their reach quickly, PPC is an easy way to attract new audiences.

Quick Results

In business, time is money. This means that you should generate results from your ads as quickly as possible.

sees an increase in visitors to his website in just a few days with a pay-per-click campaign.

This is because your ads appear at the top of search results and are clicked on by users looking for solutions to their problems or products related to your site.

Drawbacks of Google PPC ads

Highly Competitive

In some ways, PPC advertising is a victim of its success. This is a popular marketing technique that results in increased competition for popular keywords.

Unfortunately, this means that the cost of his PPC advertising can rise rapidly. To make sure you’re getting the revenue you need from your PPC efforts, you need constant monitoring.

Also, if you have a limited budget, you may not be able to target your desired keywords. Bidding wars on popular keywords can push prices out of the reach of smaller businesses.

PPC advertising often needs to be optimized

PPC campaigns need to be optimized and tuned to improve your advertising and maximize your spending. Starting to change keywords, design new ads, create a new copy, and change landing pages can be very time-consuming. Also, PPC is not an independent activity. Once you’ve got people to your site, you need a thorough strategy that requires a landing page to drive conversions.

Multiple Marketing Strategies

This is not a highly automated platform, so there are endless strategies you can try in your campaigns. While this concept is great for optimizing your advertising, it can sometimes be confusing as to what it takes to get your business on the needle.

Concise of Google Local Services Ads and Google PPC Ads

Google Local Services Ads have the opportunity to recoup the budget spent on unqualified leads and generate cheaper leads. However, the ranking factors set by Google may have few leads and little room for improvement.

Google PPC Ads are perfect for dominating the market and creating tailored ads for your ideal customers. However, it takes time to master the platform, so you might run out of budget while figuring things out.


If you have many positive reviews on your Google Business Profile and want to generate more leads at a lower cost, Local Services Ads is for you.

If you want more control over your ads than your competitors or want to dominate the market with fewer reviews, Google PPC advertising is for you.

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