4 Ways To Improve Website Conversion Rate With SEO

Google algorithm and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) collaboratively can make an impact on your website’s conversion rate. And it is an important stage to compel your targeted audience to buy the product or services your business is promoting across the web and social channels.

If you’re selling footwear, don’t focus on generic keywords like “shoes” or “heels.” Sure, if you can rank well for these keywords, you’ll get a lot of traffic, but chances are few searchers are specifically looking for the footwear you sell. As with all aspects of running a successful business, you must focus on a solid plan creation to strengthen your SEO strategy.

Combining SEO and CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) techniques with utilizing Google algorithms based on analyzing online visitors’ behavior can be one of the most powerful marketing strategies for businesses. SEO/SEM helps drive more traffic to your website, while CRO helps convert those visitors into leads and customers. Just getting more traffic to your website doesn’t necessarily mean more conversions. CRO programs complement the increased traffic generated by  SEO programs. 

Now let’s discuss how you can adopt SEO best practices to improve your website’s conversion rate and ranking over the search engines.

Let’s dive into SEO lead-generation techniques with long-term solutions that can be implemented into your websites for better outcomes.

What is SEO?

SEO is Search Engine Optimization which involves making changes to different sections of your website, i.e., on-page, off-page, and technical, to improve its ranking and visibility in search engines such as Google and Bing. SEO can also help to improve the quality of leads and purchases from your website. By targeting the right keywords and using effective on-page optimization techniques, you can attract qualified visitors who are likely to become customers.

If prospects can easily find your website using relevant keywords and phrases, they are more likely to visit your website and become leads and customers. A well-optimized website can help you appear on search engine results pages each time someone searches for something related to your business.

The ultimate goal of SEO is to improve your website’s ranking and attract the right (qualified) people through search engines to your content.

So how can SEO help you generate leads?

What is Lead Generation?

Lead generation is a marketing campaign focused on acquiring customers interested in your products or services and converting them into sales leads. And for doing so, there are varying strategies and assets, including paid ads, landing pages, calls to action, and downloadable content (lead magnets).   

The key to lead generation for most business owners is getting a steady stream of qualified leads ready to get converted for their business productivity. And these campaigns are essential to the growth and success of any B2B and B2C business, especially in this competitive edge.  

Leads are the customers you follow and want to convert into paying clients. People who land on your website do not automatically become your qualitative lead. The process of converting another audience into a customer is called the Buyer’s Journey, and it happens through a personalized sales funnel.

Why do Search Engine Optimization and Customer Rate Optimization Go Well Together?

57% of B2B marketers say SEO generates more leads than any other marketing initiative. And without SEO, hoping to capture the customers coming to your website is a mistake, that most organizations make, while promoting their business over the web.

SEO works closely with lead generation because the more your website appears on search engine result pages, the more potential customers can interact with your brand.  

Let’s suppose you have invested time, effort, and money in SEO to optimize your website, and it starts ranking for the optimized keywords, and the traffic starts coming in. But the main task is to convert that traffic into your business leads, and the whole process of conversion and lead generation comes to play its part in growing your business sales.

So, we can say SEO and CRO work well together in the corporate world.

4 Ways To Combine SEO and CRO To Improve Lead Generation

If you’re wondering how to increase sales through your digital marketing efforts, it’s time to pay attention. The more your brand is recognized, the more potential customers will reach your website. Google offers more than just being online. You must create engaging, quality-rich content that answers questions provides value, and ultimately provides more than business. 

Let’s take a look at four ways to combine SEO and CRO.

Maintain Landing Page

Maintaining a connection between source ads or organic search results and specific landing pages is essential for conversions. If you click on an ad or search result and it takes you to an unexpected place, that’s a big deal.   

The informative landing page gives visitors confidence that they are in the right place and let the visitor decide whether they should stay on your website to complete a purchase or leave immediately.

To optimize your landing page:   

  • Customize title and heading tags.  
  • Create a clear page structure.  
  • Beware of dynamic search ads on category pages.
  • Customize layout based on keywords.
  • Setting up a local phone number based on his GeoIP for organic store locations lets you try out his new click-to-call feature in organic search results.  
  • Make sure you’re excluding out-of-stock items from your search results.  

Combine A/B Testing with SEO  

Acquire more visitors and boost sales with A/B split testing. To set up a safe and effective split test, you must provide Google with certain information about your original page. 

Google recommends A/B testing and states that doing A/B or multivariate testing has little to no impact on a site’s search rank. But the points you should keep in mind –

Avoid Cloaking Mistakes   

Using an A/B testing platform to change the complete gist of your page is a big mistake. The design, scope, and varying content should not differ significantly from the original page. Google bots can detect these changes as cloaking.   

Use the Rel=Canonical Tag

If the A/B test result shows more than one URL, utilize the rel=canonical tag for redirecting Google bots to your original page content and remove the chances of alternate linking redirecting.

Improve Page Load Time

How long do users wait for a website to load before they leave a page? 

A delay of up to 1 second is acceptable for a user, but a 10-second delay in load time might cause the user to leave the website immediately. Even if they do stay, they are unlikely to heed the call to action. 

Use a website speed test checker tool.

Avoid External Embedded Media: Host all content on your server. 

Get started with CDN (Content Delivery Network).  

Install Google PageSpeed ​​on your server.  

Minimize Round Trip Time (RTT)

Content in Video Form

Providing content in video form is a very simplified way to attract your customers to your website and compel them to be your clients. These videos allow companies to articulate their value proposition and help in improving page engagement and time spent on your site. And as a result, improve your website’s conversion rate and business productivity.


Having a well-optimized website with lots of quality content and rich in keywords and key phrases gives you the best chance of being found by customers looking for exactly what your business has to offer.

The more SEO-optimized content you can put on your website, the more likely it is to rank in search engines. SEO is how you make sure that prospective customers will find you when they search. 

Attain your Search Engine Optimization services with Markeage, “Top Digital Marketing Agency in India,” and improve your content for generating leads on your website and conversion rate optimization.

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